Blackout is a game mode within Call of Duty Black Ops 4 and features classic locations known thought the Black Ops universe. Black ops 4 was a different kind of Black ops compared to Black ops 3 or 2 because while all Black ops feature zombies and multiplayer aspects, Black Ops 4 had a battle royale instead of a campaign story mode. This enticed many players looking for a new game to play and Black Ops sales skyrocketed. Blackout is like many is a realistic battle royal where you players must find natural cover and be the last one standing at the end of the game. This is normal for any battle royal where the ultimate goal is to beat every player in your lobby and be the final person standing.
Warzone is similar to Blackout in which they are both subcategories of another game. Blackout under the Black ops name and Warzone is under the Modern Warfare name. Warzone is a game where 150 people drop into a map and duke it out until you’re the last person standing.
Warzone has many unique features that other battle royals don’t have such as the fact that after you die you get sent to the Gulag where if you win your 1v1 you get back into the game. Players absolutely love this concept as there is nothing more frustrating than dying mid-game and not being able to do anything except watch your team play.
The thing that sets Warzone apart is even if you lose the 1v1 there is still a big chance you’ll be able to come back into the game. This is through a system called buy stations. At these stations, you can buy UAV’s, Loadout Drops, and many others but one important thing that players can buy is their teammates. Scattered around the map there is money that players can collect and use at these stations for $4500 if your teammate is completely dead you can buy them back and they will return to the game with full health and armor.
Blackout Volume 1: Into the Dark TPB – $10.39
Retail Price: $12.99
You Save: $2.60
from: Things From Another World
Price Difference:
One unique difference between Blackout and Warzone is the price they each cost. Blackout is included in the game Black Ops 4 and the only way to play it is to buy Black Ops 4 which on release was around $69.99 which is one of the more expensive games at the time.
Warzone is unique in the way that you don’t have to buy Modern Warfare to play it, Warzone is technically a separate game under the name of Modern Warfare. This means that Warzone is going to be a lot cheaper than Black Ops 4, and it was, Warzone is completely free. This means that the player base for Warzone will be drastically higher than the player base for Blackout as you don’t need to spend anything to play it.
Weapons Players use:
In Blackout, players use weapons that are featured within the Black Ops 4 multiplayer whereas in Warzone players use the Weapons featured within the Modern Warfare multiplayer. This difference may seem small but is actually quite big.
The weapons you use will ultimately determine whether or not the game is fun. If all a game has is useless weapons that are too difficult to use then the player base will slowly start to deteriorate as people leave the game for something else. The weapons in Blackout although good wasn’t as well-received as the weapons in Warzone. Warzone has much more variety within their weapons allowing for more interesting gameplay and cooler combinations.
Gamemodes available within these games:
In Blackout many game modes were featured to invasive on a specific part of combat. Similar to Fortnite game modes such as Close quarters force players to play more aggressively and which keeps the game higher paced and exciting. In Blackout there is the option to play Solo, Duo, or Quads allowing players to play with up to 4 friends.
This is where Warzone differs because while Warzone also has specific game modes such as Juggernaught battle royal there is also an option to play trios along with solos duos and quads. This allows for smaller friend groups of 3 to be allowed to play together. The game modes within Blackout feature more diversity and intensity within the play style and ultimately are better than what Warzone has to offer. Warzone wouldn’t be able to hold a candle to Blackout had it not been for them also having trios. Trios is one of Warzone’s most popular ways of playing is one of the most fun things you can do within the game.
Call of Duty: Black Ops III TPB – $6.83
Retail Price: $19.99
You Save: $13.16
from: Things From Another World
Overall thoughts:
My overall thoughts on which game is better are clear in my eyes. After playing them both for a considerable amount of time I think that Warzone is far superior to Blackout. Warzone has so many unique aspects that no one has ever thought of before making it a revolutionary game in the industry. With the whole gulag and buy system players never have to feel bored as there is a big chance, they will come back and rejoin their teammates.
While Blackout has more interesting game modes Warzone doesn’t need anything special to keep its player base engaged and entertained. The other major aspect of why Warzone is better and will do better in the industry than Blackout is because its free to play. There is virtually no pay to win aspects in Warzone meaning even if you spend no money you can be just as good if not better than people who spend 100’s on cosmetics. With all these things considered in my opinion Warzone is a better game than Blackout.