Flagship – A Captain’s Crucible

Loved it!

OK that’s it – you can stop right here if you want the pure unvarnished truth about my feelings on this book.  However if you want to know why … well, continue reading! 🙂

I think you all know by now that I’m a bit of a geek and a SciFi nerd.  I’m no NASA scientist but I generally am able to catch the obvious elements that detract from a story and while in some cases they don’t ruin a story – they pull you out of the universe that the author is trying to create.  In this case however, I’m very happy to state that not only did that NOT happen – I actually found myself wishing for this level of detail in some of the other books and series that I’ve read.  The science and advancement postulated simply makes sense and it is something you would EXPECT to see.  Let me give you an example –


See what I mean?  Something like this makes sense – I mean this is just an extension of Google Goggles isn’t it & while I have always thought of a bridge matching that of the Enterprise (as I’m sure you have to), if you really think about it, that doesn’t make too much sense when it can all be virtual.  By the same token – having a “Holodeck” really doesn’t make too much sense either when each individual could have their own virtual environment.

This book continues in the same vein with ships utilizing planets and other satellites for speed boosts via slingshot instead of a sub-light drive or other futuristic technology.  Robots and cyborgs are prevalent in the marine contingent of the ships’ forces but again here to the weaponry is a simple extension of our current armament and not some laser or plasma weapon.  It’s good – this verisimilitude keeps you in the story and with the characters and I can only applaud the author (Isaac Hooke) for making that extra effort!

The Captain’s Story

So you’ve heard my enthusiasm for the book, but you’re probably wondering what’s it all about?  Well – I’ll be honest … once again the blurb on Amazon really doesn’t do the book justice:


Let’s be honest … you probably wouldn’t pick that up unless you were truly desperate for something to read would you?  Let’s see if we can spice it up a bit!

Captain Jonathan Dallas leads a small task force on a critical mission against hostile SK (Sino Korean) forces.  However when a research vessel under his command disappears his investigation uncovers a much more serious threat.  A hostile alien race has captured his ship and while his superiors believe that these ships are merely SK forces in a guise not seen before, Dallas knows that he has stumbled across a significantly more dangerous foe.  If his armada continue their planned attack into SK territory, not only will they be starting a war between human forces, they will also leave themselves open to a war against an unknown alien foe – one with their own agenda.

What do you think?  I think it makes it a bit more interesting and intriguing?  Not perfect perhaps but definitely better than the one earlier – in my opinion anyways!


Some really good and interesting characters here.  Dallas was really good & believable and his motivations were well described too.


As mentioned at the start – this part of the book was for me the best.  It simply worked and you could see that the author made an effort not only to ensure that they minimized the use of jargon, but that their overall technology worked.  I really liked it.


Good too – this isn’t one of those massive fleet battle books that I’m so fond of as the largest encounter I think was restricted to about a 1/2 dozen on each side.  It was well portrayed though and the other elements of the story also made good sense.

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