With the second season of Fruits Basket coming to end, we take a look at what makes Tohru’s relationship with the Somas so remarkably endearing. This article contains no spoilers.
Fruits Basket 2020
Fruits Basket returns with the same emotion and drama we’ve come to love in the first season. The second season focuses on the rest of the zodiac members and their misfortune bond with Akito. Despite not knowing the entire intricacies behind the curse or the spiritual connection the zodiac members harbor towards Akito, Tohru desperately tries to help the Somas while trying not to overstep her boundaries.
The spiritual transformations the zodiac members are born with are without a doubt a supernatural element that no one can possibly relate to. However, the emotions and pain they endure throughout both seasons are very much down to earth. Fruits Basket echoes something we are all aware of but unfortunately are quick to forget. People handle day-to-day struggles differently from one another. We have a range of emotions and sometimes it’s hard trying to deal with them. These unfortunate experiences are something we have no control of, but it is something we eventually have to move on from.
Regardless of how someone carries themselves publicly, they might be hiding a terrifying issue that dwells from the bottom of their soul. It might not be our business to intrude on someone’s personal life, but offering a shoulder to lean on, at the very least, could provide the reassuring comfort needed to help make their lives a little easier.
Forever, Always
Tohru has excelled in showing compassion for others, especially complete strangers. Her humble upbringing has allowed her to always be empathetic, even if she is unsure of the entire situation. Fruits Basket has reminded its viewers to always try to look from the perspective of others and above all, to try to assist whenever possible. There are always going to be issues in our daily lives, that is unquestionably just a part of living. How we chose to overcome these obstacles differ from one another, but a helping hand whenever possible could be the needed assistance to lift someone from their anguish.
Honda Tohru, as seen in the ending credits of season 2
The world is too demanding to push on by yourself, everyone needs companionship to help them forget or move on from their worries, suffering and pain. Seeing Tohru throw herself out there, getting right in the middle of the Soma family affair, hoping to ease the burdens of every zodiac member is truly uplifting and extremely inspiring. After being perceived as a nuisance from her Grandfather’s side of the family and losing her mother in a tragic accident, Tohru continues to shine as a beacon of hope, a warm aura of comfort, for so many others.
Zodiac Curse/Bond
Abuse and neglect seem to be the same problem all of the zodiac members have experienced, be it from Akito himself or from primary family members. Although they seem fine on the surface, deep down they are troubled. Suffering from an unusual curse with a cruel master being the evident perpetrator of their disdain, these members have experienced continuing traumas that no teenager or young adult should be forced to live with.
They’ve endured these hardships since birth and are unable to break free from the shackles of their cursed fate. For some, putting on a smile every day and living as if they were regular people have exhausted them mentally to the point where they break down in tears. It’s a cruel reality that they were given. That was until Tohru came stumbling into their lives. Her cheery personality and innate ability to connect with someone brought forth new hope that many of them can cling onto. She has brought them wonderful memories and another reason to continue to strive through the hardships.
Cherish the Moment
The main characters of Fruits Basket having their lunch outside of school
Fruits Basket is a wonderful anime that will make you appreciate your friends and family even more than you already have. More often than not, it will leave you feeling like a puddle of emotions, unable to stop crying from the funny, sad and joyful moments the anime has to offer. The characters are all relatable and each brings their own story or personality to the show.
The Somas are indeed one big troubled family, but as Tohru continues to be a mediator for them, they gradually learn to trust and care for another, just as any family would. Fruits Basket 2019 has far exceeded its expectations and provided the original 2001 series the well-needed justice in their reboot so many years later. Although the exact date has yet to be determined, the third and final season of Fruits Basket is expected to air next year in 2021.
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