Audio Download – Phoenix: The Radio Play

Hopefully you’ve read my previous post about Phoenix: The Radio Play (by the way, if you search Zone6 for Phoenix you’ll also find the awesome list of the best XMen stories with the Dark Phoenix … I really can’t recommend this comic book enough) you’ll and have learned all about my first celebrity encounter with Scott Fivelson and all of his amazing works.  Well Scott recently contacted me to let me know that Phoenix: The Radio Play is also available in audio format from the Cleveland Radio Players.  You can purchase it directly from their website & can also download a sample at this link.


Now I’ve had the opportunity of listening to it and I don’t know if you ever heard the audio book version of the Lord of the Rings recorded by the BBC in the early 80’s?

I had a chance to listen to that and its still one of my favorite versions of the classic work by Tolkien as in addition to the mental picture you get when you read a good book, the audio helps to visualize it even more with all of the special effects that they add in.

If you’ve listened to that, you’ll understand what I say when I talk about the characters voices and sound effects and I’m really happy to say that the Audio version of Phoenix: The Radio Play follows suit in exactly these same footsteps allowing you to easily visualize the story.


(in order of appearance)


Take a listen to the sample provided on the site – at four minutes long it will get you hooked – and you’ll see what I mean.  You can hear the anguish in their voices and easily picture the struggle for survival that they are all enduring.  I’ve also learned that this will be available on Vinyl too for those that prefer their listening “pure”.  Take a listen and let me know what you think in the comments below.

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