For those not informed, in October of 2014, the major movie studies released a timeline of all of their planned & upcoming Superhero movies from now until 2020. To say that it is ambitious is to be very (very) kind … however for a SciFi/Fantasy & Comic geek its nothing less than perfection! This slew of movies along with the other SciFi & Fantasy properties (Jupiter Rising looks good and of course there is the upcoming Star Wars movie too) from other studios over the coming weeks, months and years is bound to slake the thirst of any but the most die hard.
The one interesting and extremely engaging thing about the Marvel properties of course is how they tie each film (& of course TV Show like Agents of Shield & Agent Carter) together into a cohesive story. While it is possible to watch each separately they are significantly better when watched together so while I was interested to see Ant Man as one of the movies listed, I wasn’t 100% sure if it would be one that I wanted to watch. However this two-minute teaser trailer is offering the first real look at Marvel’s microscopic superhero and it is good … quite good. You don’t get to see a ton, but you do see Michael Douglas (always awesome) as Dr. Henry Pym – the creator of the Ant Man suit & of course you also get a glimpse of our “big bad” for the film – Corey Stoll as Yellowjacket.
Is it too late to change the name?
Now one thing I do need to make clear … my previous comment about not being sure about this film, was primarily based on my comic book geekdom – I’d come across Ant Man in the Avengers but he wasn’t someone I followed avidly or was really that interested in. I mean Marvel had a host of other big brains in their books (Mr. Fantastic & of course Tony Stark being two of the most famous) and he seemed to be just another one.
However by making the movie be about Scott Lang (played by Paul Rudd) instead, they’ve managed to sidestep the whole braniac thing quite nicely. Another thing I probably have to admit … I wasn’t a big fan or reader of the Guardians of the Galaxy series of comics and well … that movie completely blew me away! If (and its a big IF) Ant Man is able to tie itself into the overall Marvel storyline and universe in a way that makes sense then it could do very well … however if its just a filler in between Avengers movies … well that’s not going to be nearly as interesting. Nicholas Lemos covers this quite well in his post on Hubpages – Ant Man Trailer review & reiterates some of the same points that I’ve raised also.
Ant Man is slated to open on the 17th of July, 2015 – here’s hoping that we have another sleeper hit similar to Guardians. I have faith Marvel – don’t disappoint me!