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20 Animes to Watch if You’ve Never Seen Anime (part 1)


Sword Art Online

I wrote quite a bit more about this anime on my post the Top 5 Anime Shows on Netflix, however if you don’t have the time to read that post, I hope you still make the time to watch this Anime.  It’s not ground breaking or earth shattering in its artwork, but it is definitely enjoyable and it has a really good story that you will enjoy watching.  Not only does the story offer everything from adventure to romance, it’s full of nods to RPGs that gamers will love. Plus the music and action sequences are absolutely sick.

Great if you like: World of Warcraft, Dungeons & Dragons, RPGs

Attack on Titan

Another one that I covered in significantly more detail on the Top 5 post mentioned earlier.  In a nutshell, though – people live in walled cities hiding from giants that eat humans. Legions of knights who fly around like Spiderman with grappling hooks, hoping to stop the giants from eating people. A lot of people get eaten.  With a recently released live action version of this Anime, you know that it’s hot.

Recommended if you like: Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, very sad things constantly happening


If you thought vampire mythology couldn’t get any darker, think again. Blood+ offers a creative twist on the creation and destruction of bloodsucking demons, along with badass fight scenes starring one of the most engaging and sympathetic heroines in anime.

Great if you like: Vampire mythology, dark fantasy, horror


Every 60 years a bunch of mages summon a great hero from the past, like Gilgamesh, or Alexander The Great, and make them fight each other. To tell you anymore would probably ruin it. Has some of the best fight choreography you’re bound to come across. Plus, it has a slew of insanely cool female characters!

Recommended if you like: Alias, Merlin, magic, and fantasy, coming-of-age stories

Aldnoah Zero

I just watched this one and the one thing I have to state without ruining anything is the ending is a complete shock.  My jaw literally hit the floor!  Aldnoah Zero is a bit confusing in its overall mythology – basically, in the 70’s a hyper gate to Mars was found on the surface of the moon.  Those early astronauts also found a mysterious property (power?) called Aldnoah that gave them the ability to enhance normal mechanical tools and weapons and gave them a devastating advantage over the rest of humanity.  After a short war that saw the Moon destroyed in an event later referred to as Heaven’s Fall (not shown in the series), an uneasy truce exists between the Terran’s and Martians.  However when Princess Asseylum is seemingly assassinated while on a diplomatic mission to Earth, the truce fractures and all out war ensues between the two planets.

Great if you like: Giant Robots, Aliens, Mech Combat


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